Today was a great day! Full of God's amazing blessings!
12:30PM on the unit....right away I was assigned to a nurse! She was absolutely amazing! I learned so much from her! (blessing #1) I love being with someone who really wants to have a student.
The day began with a test. My nurse asked me if I would like to give two injections; Tdap (Tetanus, Diphtheria, Pertussis) and MMR (measles, mumps, rubella). I have only given like two Flu shots before so I was totally game for this. I do need practice drawing up medications. I do think my psychomotor skills need some work. So she put me on the spot. What needles do you use? How do you inject the medication? Do you have to mix the medication? What teaching do you have to do? Overall, the whole thing went well. I can now say I have given Tdap and MMR :) another thing off my list! (Blessing #2)
At around 3pm, my nurse went to lunch and told me certain things to do for her patients. So, I was left in charge with an RN as my backup only if I needed her. When she left, I had 3 patients with 1 baby; they consider that 4 patients. I felt so amazing then.....I was forced to take control! whoo! (blessing #3)
Then I was put to work; making beds, filling waters, getting linens, cleaning sitz bath, passing meds, baby vitals, discontinuing IVs, patient teaching, measuring I&Os, discharging info, and a whole lot of documentation. I was so glad to take the majority of the patient care (blessing #4) I kept busy! Time just flew by!
During shift change, I was able to learn a lot about Magnesium drips, Pre-eclampsia, neo-puffs, breastfeeding, witch hazel, dermaplast, and illeo-sacral belts. I learned a lot! (Blessing# 5) I had a patient today that had her pubic bone break apart during delivery! OUCH!!!!!! I cringed when I heard that. This sacral belt but pressure on the pelvis to bring the bones together. During the next 6 weeks, she will have to wear the belt so the cartilage can repair. 2mg of Dilaudid should kill that pain ;)
Toward the end of the day, my nurse gave me a great review, and I mean a great evaluation! She even told my instructor about me! AND she wants to work with me again :) (Blessing #6) All in all, I had an amazing day. Today I felt like a nurse. I felt like I knew what I was doing, and my nurse thought so as well. I was so blessed today. I can't thank God enough for these incredible experiences!!!! He is soooooooooooooo Good!!! :) It's days like these that build my confidence. It's days like these that make me feel like I'm a nurse! :)
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