Friday, May 14, 2010

And So It Begins....

Nursing school, where grades don't matter. You just need to survive. Yes, the studying is constant and the information seems endless, but according to the instructors, 'everything' is need to know information. I now find myself thinking about Pathophysiology in my sleep. I have day dreams of neurotransmitters and Malignant Hyperthermia. If you open my closet, you would be surprised to see that I have more nursing books than shoes. I really know I am a nursing student when I would rather perform physical assessments on my friends than watch basketball on TV (for me that's saying a lot).

But my journey really begins with clinical. I am about to start my first day in the hospital with patients. I am missing lecture at this point because it basically feels like I have to put my newly learned skills to the test on real people; people who are sick, who need attention, who are in pain, and who are just as scared as I am to be in the hospital. Practicing on manikins seemed like no practice at all. Ohhh the nerves!!!

I started this blog to show you my journey of nursing; the things I see, the nurses, the skills, the patients, the compassion. Nursing is a profession of patience, understanding, kindness, respect, and fidelity. I am taking you along on this road to see what I see and experience the profession of nursing as I will be experiencing it.

So here I am.... blue scrubs, stethoscope, clinical passport, and pen in hand. I close my eyes..."God, please give me strength to make it through the day. Help me to be patient and kind. You have chosen this path for me and I have faith that you will help me continue on this path.' ...I take a deep breath, open my eyes....and I walk through the hospital doors to begin my calling of grace. . . . . . .

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